The Early Works

“During our travels abroad reporting for the Stern illustrated magazine and other newspapers, I often also took a film camera along. Therefore, together with the photo reportages we made quite a number of films. I realized fairly soon that…
In the Name of Progress

“For over twenty years we were witness to the destructive influence that the cultural and economic imperialism of the industrialised nations had on the peoples of the so called Third World. We had known these countries before their underdevelopment…
Women of this World

“When we closed the chapter on the series In the Name of Progress, we began to take a closer look at the institution which, in the final analysis, is solely responsible for oppression and exploitation: the patriarchal order. Since…
Children of this World

“The huge success of the series Women of this World prompted us to go one step further and to enter yet another “colony”, which is controlled by adults and therefore – logically- also reflects adult values, prejudices and power…