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Die grauen Panther

USA, 1978

Die Industrienationen weisen mit Stolz auf die stetig steigende Lebenserwartung hin, mit der ihre Bürger rechnen können. Nur weiß diese Zivilisation nichts mit all den Leuten anzufangen, die ab dem 65. Lebensjahr dazu verurteilt sind, unproduktiv zu sein. In einer Gesellschaft, in der die Jugend angebetet und die Qualität eines Menschen an seiner Leistung gemessen wird, gilt alles Alte und Unproduktive als wertlos.
Die „Grauen Panther“, eine politische Bewegung, die in ganz Nordamerika verbreitet ist, bekämpfen diese Diskriminierung des Alters. Sie fordern die alten Menschen auf, nicht mehr um Mitleid zu betteln, sondern die Ursachen ihrer Misere herauszufinden und ein Gesellschaftssystem zu bekämpfen, das Menschen aufgrund ihres Geschlechts, ihrer Rasse oder ihres Alters diskriminiert. Da die alten Menschen keine Entlassung oder andere Repressalien mehr zu befürchten haben und wohl auch kaum von der Polizei zusammengeknüppelt werden, wagen die „Grauen Panther“ radikale Kritik und spektakuläre Aktionen.

Gordian Troeller und Marie-Claude Deffarge
Kamera: Gordian Troeller
Ton: Marie-Claude Deffarge, Uwe Gesing
Schnitt: Ingeburg Forth
Länge: 43 Minuten
Erstausstrahlung: RB 28.8.1978

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The industrial nations are proud of the constantly increasing life-expectancy of their citizens. However, this civilization does not know what to do with its 65-year-old pensioners, who are condemned to an unproductive life. In a society that idolizes youth and measures the quality of a human being according to his productive output, the old are without value. The Grey Panthers are a political movement that has wide support in North America. They are fighting against the discrimination of old age. „Don’t beg for sympathy,“ is their message. „Get down to the reasons for your misery and fight a system that discriminates against people en grounds of gender, race, or age. “ Since the senior citizens no longer stand in fear of being fired or of other such reprisals, the police would hardly dare to manhandle them, they can afford to voice radical criticism and engage in rather spectacular demonstrations.

a film by Gordian Troeller and Marie-Claude Deffarge
original title: Die Grauen Panther – Aufstand der Alten
camera: Gordian Troeller
sound: Marie-Claude Deffarge, Uwe Gesing
editor: Ingeburg Forth
43 minutes

This film only exists in the German version.

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Download the script[:fr]USA, 1978

The industrial nations are proud of the constantly increasing life-expectancy of their citizens. However, this civilization does not know what to do with its 65-year-old pensioners, who are condemned to an unproductive life. In a society that idolizes youth and measures the quality of a human being according to his productive output, the old are without value. The Grey Panthers are a political movement that has wide support in North America. They are fighting against the discrimination of old age. „Don’t beg for sympathy,“ is their message. „Get down to the reasons for your misery and fight a system that discriminates against people en grounds of gender, race, or age. “ Since the senior citizens no longer stand in fear of being fired or of other such reprisals, the police would hardly dare to manhandle them, they can afford to voice radical criticism and engage in rather spectacular demonstrations.

a film by Gordian Troeller and Marie-Claude Deffarge
original title: Die Grauen Panther – Aufstand der Alten
camera: Gordian Troeller
sound: Marie-Claude Deffarge, Uwe Gesing
editor: Ingeburg Forth
43 minutes

This film only exists in the German version.

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